Must Hair How to Tame Spiky Hair on a Toupee How to Tame Sticking Up Hair on a Toupee

How to Tame Sticking Up Hair on a Toupee

How to Tame Sticking Up Hair on a Toupee

Hair on toupees or hair systems can sometimes stick up or become tufted, especially with human hair toupees like those offered by Must Hair. Certain types of Asian hair used in toupees are particularly resilient and can be challenging to manage.

With the help of this  detailed post, we will guide you through the correct steps to tame the most stubborn hair on a toupee or hair system. It’s simpler than you might think.

Step-by-Step Guide to Taming Toupee Hair

1. Combing

First, comb the hair. Hold the hair roots and start combing from the middle to the tips. Avoid pulling against the scalp.



Use a comb or hairbrush that has gaps wide enough for the hair to pass through without causing tangles.

Next, comb the hair roots after combing the middle and tips. Repeat this process until all the hair on the base is detangled.

2. Washing and Shampooing

Rinse the hair under running tap water.

Washing How to Tame Sticking Up Hair on a Toupee

Avoid using hot water as it can damage the hair or cause shedding. Lukewarm water is ideal as it softens the hair system and makes it easier to handle.

Rub and pat the hair while rinsing until it is thoroughly wet. Apply toupee shampoo, rub and knead it in, wash thoroughly, and then rinse out all the bubbles under the tap water again.

3. Conditioning

After thoroughly rinsing and removing all bubbles, apply toupee conditioner to the hair, ensuring every strand is nourished.

Conditioning How to Tame Sticking Up Hair on a Toupee

Comb the hair again with the conditioner applied. Make sure all the hair on the base is completely combed through.

4. Rinsing

Rinse the hair system with lukewarm tap water again.

Rinsing How to Tame Sticking Up Hair on a Toupee

Continue rinsing until all the conditioner is washed out, and gently squeeze the hair dry.

5. Drying

Dry the toupee with an absorbent towel (preferably 100% cotton) by dabbing, tapping, and pressing until the hair is damp.

Driying How to Tame Sticking Up Hair on a Toupee

Then, place the toupee on the client’s scalp or a toupee stand to blow dry it. Always use cold air when blow-drying a hair system.


By now, the toupee or hair system should be completely dry. There should be no strands of hair sticking up. You can now style it as desired. Good luck!

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By Published On: July 18th, 2024Categories: News0 Comments on How to Tame Sticking Up Hair on a Toupee

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